Wolves 尊重 each other

Wolves Do Something

At Walla Walla University, we 尊重 others in our university community based on our core theme of generosity in service. And as member of this community, you have the right to be treated with 尊重 at all times. We encourage you to help foster a culture of 尊重 on campus. As the students in the video say: To be a Wolf is to treat women with 尊重—To treat yourself with 尊重—To treat everyone with 尊重. 

When you see something happening that you know is wrong, you probably recognize it, but may not be sure what to do. We can help you with that.

  • A classmate makes a racist joke
  • Your roommates set up a line of shots
  • Your friend hits on a drunk woman
  • A teammate can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning or a friend seems suddenly distant and withdrawn. 

All of these situations–and many others like them—are opportunities for you to step in and help. You have the opportunity to say something. You have the opportunity to do something.

Find more information on 虐待的类型resources availablegetting help now in our sexual misconduct and discrimination policy. You can also learn more about the nation-wide 这是澳门线上博彩官网的责任 运动和 WWU's involvement.